$5 online art classes

expressive ravens

Alisa Burke


A fun little class with 5 lessons where we explore painting expressive ravens and crows.

This is a great starter class if you are new to painting in expressive ways. Or if you are a seasoned artist, this a small and fun format to get inspired and push you own creative process.

All of my classes have unlimited access- once the class goes live you can create and access the class at any time and work at your own pace. There is no deadline or pressure to create

Once you register and pay, within 24 hours you will receive an email confirmation with class access.

All of my classes have unlimited access- once the class goes live you can create and access the class at any time and work at your own pace. There is no deadline or pressure to create.


  • This is a tiny class with 5 lessons focussed on one topic.
  • This class is hosted on my class platform on Teachable.
  • Once you receive your class access invitation, you will need to create a login with your email and you own password.
  • Basic computer skills are needed.
  • A high speed connection if definitely recommended.
  • Supplies needed are very simple, inexpensive art/craft items- (I strongly believe creating art should not cost a lot of money!!) 
  • All lessons you can work at your pace and come and go as you please.
  • Remember that you have unlimited access which means you are welcome to come and go as you please.

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