stamp it out
$15.00 $30.00
cardboard play
$7.50 $15.00
beautiful bugs
$10.00 $20.00
creative collage
pattern discovery
paper textiles
pen and ink play
the recycler's journal
wonderful watercolors: 12 months of watercolor tutorials, concepts and techniques!
$32.00 $65.00
business brave: 12 months of advice, pep talks inspiration and ideas to spark brave decisions!
$50.00 $100.00
journal it out
$25.00 $50.00
the nature journal
the 20 minute art journal: 12 months of creativity!
sketchbook blooms
magazine makeover
watercolor mandalas
paint your world!
camp wanna-create
art journal with me: 12 months of creativity
miniature masterpiece
brayer bliss
pastel blooms
poetry & paint