chasing freedom

Alisa Burke

$10.00 $20.00

Typically when I plan and create my classes I try to come up with ideas based on things customers are requesting or topics that I think are needed and will be received well. Then there is the rare occasion when I plan a class that is based around what I am craving in my own creative process hoping there might be some kindred spirits out there craving the same thing. Chasing Freedom is the one of those classes!

Lately I’ve been carving out more time and space for freedom from expectations by working abstract and expressive. This is where my painting process began in my early days as a painting major- using paint and materials to simply express myself without pressure or the need for specific results. This is the way that I work behind the scenes over here when I am not teaching or making art to sell. It is where I am able to find freedom and create without abandon and I am so excited to share this process with you!

In this class we will be using a variety of different surfaces (any surface) and materials to explore expressive prompts, techniques and exercises .

We will be working through 1 lesson a day for 30 days. Through color, movement, intuition, connection and emotions I will be sharing all kinds of concepts and techniques that I utilize in my own art making process when I work abstract and expressive.

My hope is to inspire you to chase after freedom in your art making process!


final chasing freedom from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.



NOTE ABOUT SUPPLIES: I don’t typically have an official supply list for my classes because I always share a variety of different concepts that can be applied to a variety of supplies and surfaces. In this class you will see me working with the  supplies below but most the concepts and techniques can be applied to just about any materials! 

An art journal- any type of sketchbook, mixed media art journal will work. I will be creating in a cheap composition notebook and a mixed media paper art journal just so you get to see things at different prices will work!

Loose paper- watercolor paper or bristol paper

Watercolor paint- any will work

Acrylic paint- any will work though I always recommend matte acrylic paint when working in an art journal.

Any types of brushes.

Favorite pens and markers



Chasing Freedom is a class structured into 30 inspiring posts. The concept is that you have one simple idea, prompt or technique to work through each day for 30 days.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that all of my online classes are work at your own pace and have unlimited access so there is no pressure to work daily. Just know that you will have 30 creative posts to keep inspired when you are ready!

Once you register and pay, within 24 hours you will receive an email confirmation with class information.

All of my classes have unlimited access- once the class goes live you can create and access the class at any time and work at your own pace. There is no deadline or pressure to create.



  • Class will be held on a private blog that only registered students are able to access.

  • You have unlimited access to come and go as you please for as long as you like!
  • Basic computer skills are needed (be able to login, access a blog, etc) 

  • There will be : LOTS of photos step by step visuals, video lessons of yours truly teaching and teaching in my studio.
  • A high speed connection if definitely recommended (because of the above!) 
  • Supplies needed are very simple, inexpensive art/craft items- (I strongly believe creating art should not cost a lot of money!!) 
  • Feel free to register at anytime.
  • No refund unless there are special circumstances.


Once in a while we have students that run into log in problems, so we've put together a small list of tips just in case you run into any issues.

  • All the links in the confirmation emails are currently working.
  • Depending on your type of computer/operating system (MacOS, etc.), your current updates and your current settings, there can be an occasional issue with the class URL address loading an error page when entered directly into the Safari (MacOS) browser address line.  Having the MOST current updates should fix this issue. 
  • If you are having issues with login and password errors and/or a login box reappears with an error, you can get a refreshed/blank login box to pop up again by refreshing the page.  Some users that login to different classes with multiple login/passwords may need to Uncheck the "Remember this password" box in the login popup window.  This should prevent any login errors from reoccurring when logging into different classes.
  • Please keep in mind that out of the thousands of people that take Alisa's online classes and log on successfully, the occasional issue does come up that is often caused by individual computer settings.  Please check your individual computer settings.  
  • In most cases the site will remember your username/password. If you clear your browsing history or restart computer you will have to re-enter the username and password
  • The class site can be viewed from a variety of devices and browsers but may look a little different depending on which device or browser you are using. 
  • Since the class is held on a private site, it requires a password and login, the login process will also "behave" differently depending on the browser you are using and privacy settings that you use.
  • For example, depending on your settings, Google Chrome has a password checking function for sites that requires a login which means the login box for class will pop up when you refresh the class site. Safari does not have this feature. 

*We recommend using the browser that works best for you!

  • The above information might not be the problem , so any further details you can send to us will help us help you solve the issue!!!  We will do our best to troubleshoot with you :)

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